Q- Can we supply a new sofa bed mattress for the KingDream?
A- No, we are unable to supply the KingDream Sofa bed mattress anymore.
Note; The mechanism for the King Dream sofa bed was made in China, the size is different from the 1600 Oscar sofa bed, which is from Italy. Therefore, their mattress size is different.
We can offer the ReoGrand sofa bed mattress or the 1600 Oscar sofa bed mattress.
Please note there is a 40mm difference in length with the King Dream sofa bed mattress. Customers should be made aware of the different dimensions before they purchase.
1600 Oscar sofa bed mattress size is 1980*1400*110mm
Dream sofa bed mattress size is 1940*1400*110mm
Q: What mattress can be supplied as a replacement on the King Dream sofabed?
A: The 1600 Oscar sofa bed mattress can be supplied as a replacement on the King Dream sofabed