Design Team 28/11/22 Meeting Minutes

Design Team 28/11/22 Meeting Minutes


28th of November 2022


@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed)@Alinta Lim@dominic.harrison @zara fong @Tanya Rechberger @manolo bossi (Unlicensed) @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) @Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) @Sebastian @Lauren Eskin (Unlicensed) @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) @Ryan McGoldrick @Lauren Eskin (Unlicensed)

Project Updates:

@Alinta Lim & @dominic.harrison




To do


To do

AI prepared for photoshoot & tool pack. @dominic.harrison to give the tool pack to Kristy as hand luggage for Tassie flight.


@Alinta Lim to make modifications to the cast corner piece

@Alinta Lim tech pack done and sent to GL for final costing to be completed this week. Rolling into the 3rd week.

Extrusion yet to arrive in TU

Order mold tooling this week when above task is complete

Prototype full height bed head in TU to be completed w/e Nov 24th. Noted on Allan’s task list once the prototype is completed.

John is making adjustments on it today.

CAD for new frame for bedhead

Prototype bed frame only (without posts) to get started

Dune bedside table


To do


To do

Issue with the gaps between the drawers, back to Jiashuin to fix and review again. @Alinta Lim to check timeline


@Tony (Unlicensed) to approve AF quote this week for the Dune Bedside Table to be sent.


@Alinta Lim testing criteria to be outlined, the height is over 500mm H, tip test is important due to 2 drawers and marble top supported by steel legs

Test Lab partner to help with regulation guidelines. New set of guidelines done by @Tony (Unlicensed) for the sample to be tested against.


@Alinta Lim Packaging review to be done specific to this item. GL to be consulted. Consideration to be given on how the custom finishes get packaged.

Platelet occasional table


To do


To do


@dominic.harrison has found a mechanism & will now ask the supplier for samples and approx. ETA.


Material selection needs to be evaluated


@dominic.harrison to manage GL purchasing team to organise sample of gas strut. Please liaise with @zara fong on progress & outcome, this same mech could be used on the Sculptural Curve Sofa Table.


Manolo, @dominic.harrison and @Alinta Lim to re-define the project

Poolside (floating chair)


To do


To do

@dominic.harrison & @Alinta Lim to get DK feedback

@Alinta Lim to prototype chair with dacron and pinch seam

@dominic.harrison completed action plan to move forward

Re-revisit and refine internal construction


@dominic.harrison to create retail options presentation for Poolside


@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) check if this item is still earmarked with Marketing for Post Winter campaign, if yes, to update marketing that the project will be on hold for 2 wks due to other priorities



To do


To do

to source carbon pole - has sent information to GL, GL are now sourcing, @Alinta Lim to follow up with Shiyang if this has been done.

Carbon pole looks good, now comes down to cost.

DK happy with the foam thickness, running with this for the next few prototypes.


We have supply. @Alinta Lim to give feedback to Sebastian on fabric.

DK is happy with the fabric, confirmation to be given to Sebastian. Alinta to work on the fall of the shade (not to taper inward)

@Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed)batylyne texteline en route for testing comparison, done


@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to discus with Marketing what the plan is for online, flock order plan and VM display.

This may change; Emily advised all showrooms to have the Cabana FLOCKED (x26).

John to modify steel frame

@Alinta Lim and @dominic.harrison to prepare documentation for manufacturing, work in progress.



POS stands


To do


To do

Final sample is on the way by sea freight, for final approval

Arrived Sat, 2 weeks to clear customs. Still pending customs clearance.


@dominic.harrison Need numbers for production. Still waiting for tracking update. Follow up with @Damien Phuah (Unlicensed) on total POS quantities needed


@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to find our the quantity needed for each store globally. Follow up with Damien/Emily.

Bellaire Legs & Base (On Pause)


To do


To do

New bed base frame and new legs have been tested at GL

Platform changes at GL for prototype


@dominic.harrison to manage GL on making retrofittable new legs for old base


@dominic.harrison to prototype edging solution


@dominic.harrison possible Bellaire leg paint solution


@Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed) to CAD knock-in to allow for 2-3mm tolerance


@dominic.harrison to review tests


Outdoor Dining Chair - Compactor


To do


To do

CNC the seat, check the geometry @Alinta Lim @dominic.harrison working on it this week.

Need to do a revision with slight changes.

Thailand to check minimum bend radius’s. Flag it to @Jason Newman (Unlicensed) incase machinery or R&D team to put it on their radar for development. @Alinta Lim to send Jason a email outlining the requirements.

No progress, it has been said the tool needed is as expensive as the machine. @Tony (Unlicensed) please advise of next steps.

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) & @Ryan McGoldrick


Heritage table


To do


To do

All finished, packaging to be done today.


Thailand not quoted for metal parts. We need a full quote & prototyped ASAP. @Tony (Unlicensed) pls advise who will follow this up. The Flock order dates will not be met or the Summer Sale campaign @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to flag this urgently to Marketing.

GL to give timing on prototype & if sample will be sent to TU.

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to get a firm sample finish date from GL on 3m table. Also issued sample for Secco to complete

FLOCK orders before Xmas is to be known in the next couple of days of they can achieve. 5 tables

@shiyang to follow-up on the data sheets and tooling for the leg, this info needs to be shared with @Ryan McGoldrick

Stain matching for marketing sample


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) & Ryan to pay for boval steel fabrication, to be completed on the 7/11

Ryan & @Tony (Unlicensed) to speak with Accounts, partial payment was made. We need to a clear invoice with credit note applied. This can only be clarified by our Acc. Dept. To be followed up.

johns to fabricate internal legs for table

Australian Timber supplier meeting this week to be postponed. Due to re-doing of existing top for the Tassie Shoot.

Modification to the design will mean we need to remove the steel inserts and reorientate to better align the legs.



Drawings & 3D need to be tied up so final proofs can be issued to factory.


Extension table to be sampled in TU

Ergo Chair Jig


To do


To do


All on board, great initiative to assist all Designers with future development & creating a standard that is tweaked specific for each new design.





Tasman Chair (fixed heritage chair) (On Pause)


To do


To do







Tasman (aka Magnolia) Chair


To do


To do

Production pattern is 2-3 weeks away from being ready. Thailand is chasing for this detail too. @Ryan McGoldrick to follow up with Allan. Foam and pattern done.

Done. Needs to be shared with Thailand. No zip, the velcro is moved further in. @Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to check if DK still wants a zipper. New upholstered cover to be samples

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to redo the production tech drawings. Callout of key dimensions/radius.

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to finalise drawing for production. 26 Chairs from Parrawaood for FLOCK

Thai team to share Glue data sheets & PU mix ratio & data sheet to be given by Parrawood.


Stain trials to be completed

Test done by the Parrawood supplier failed when testing to British Standards, fail as to one of the joints. We need more detail of the construction/glue to identify the root cause for us to resolve the issue.

refinish marketing chairs

Final resolve on upholstery was achieved for the marketing samples, just need to confirm process is approved by Allan/DK for production run.

Investment & Heritage Chair


To do


To do


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to begin background work and concepts

Tasman (aka Magnolia) Table


To do


To do


Design completed

  • @Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to create drawings and send to Parrawood for sample. Dec this will be done.

  • New chair concept to be started in Jan.

MAX 2 (On Pause)


To do


To do


Start to create a handover doc

Myco side table


To do


To do

@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to chase up flock requirements. Idea is to launch with a sofa @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to discuss with Marketing on suitable campaign. Sample done. All timbers done & ready for shoot.

DK wanted a oval top to be sampled. Powder coat colours to be decided.

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to get a few samples made in timber and steel.


Made with solid timber top, BOM done a while ago. works out $100 cheaper than Apero Charles Wilson. Design difference being the Zaza column is like the Zaza Sofa leg.

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) & @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed)

Aura Light


To do


To do

At GL, to be reviewed by GL and then airfreighted to stores

Project completed.

Aura Pendant light


To do


To do

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to share with Coffey the final selection for the mounting plate. Ongoing discussion with Coffey & Mina on this.


Design is completed, now finalising drawings for sign-off


Shoot is planned for Jan 2023, may include other lighting, so there is no specific schedule yet.

deep etch prior to feature on website, @Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to organise the deep etch shoot. All pending on ETA of the samples to arrive.

Pallino Portable light


To do


To do

to create packaging documentation and share with coffee

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) now working on packaging test before sending to GL. Supplier working on this. Ongoing.

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to issue samples (will be used for marketing samples) need to get marketing to select items

Samples for each colour to be AF to TU for deep etch. Flock items will be AF also. Came to for review.

   to ask Coffey for off tool prototype and timing for production pieces






Luna indoor barstool


To do


To do

3 marketing samples of timber barstool produced by Secco. 1 to be sent for Deep Etch.

Samples to arrive to TU today ready for deep etch.

3 marketing samples of timber barstool being produced Secco


Need flock requirements. Lead time is 2 months for 20-30 pcs. 3 months = 90 - 130pcs


to improve production qty

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) ongoing discussion with supplier to improve production qty. 90-120 pcm. Supplier can’t meet this. Supplier can on commit to 30 pcm.



Aluminium task light


To do


To do

designing packaging

Packaging now done. Name to be found this week.

Tooling from the supplier is ongoing. @Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to ask for their timeline on this.

Supplier to get back to us on this. FLOCK being done for Feb for Post Autumn campaign. Parts needed to re-tool. @Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to check status on this.


@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to bring this to the attention of VM.

Elevate desk (sit stand desk)


To do


To do

Making prototype changes based on Manolo’s suggestions

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to liaise with GL to create BOM and to source samples. Ongoing. CAD drawing shared with suppliers. Some parts sent to the supplier. Monitoring this.

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) working on CAD to implement team feedback

Secco factory move should not impact timing.

Once CAD is complete, review cad and complete DFM


Manufacturing pack to be completed after team review


@Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) to look into safety tech for jamming of body parts


@Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) to work on leg iterations in cad



Helio Round & Straight Pendant


To do


To do

to organize tooling to be paid

Waiting on the samples below before we can go further.

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to organise tool prototype. First tooling received on the weekend, testing be done on the tool parts.



@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) & @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) to design packaging

Lighting Gallery


To do


To do

to organize tooling to be paid

Lighting gallery concept to be done and approved by DK


Post Autumn is the first range of lights to be displayed.


Speak with VM on the right timing for this to be introduced to the showrooms.


Eto Desk & accessories


To do


To do

Tom Faraday to send light details

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) & @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) to complete dfm for the eto table lights. 1 complete, 1 ongoing

Secco prototyping tabletop (1 month lead time) ETA = 11/11/22

GL has received it.

Passed as expected, but stability could be improved. @Tony (Unlicensed) to approve if we can proceed with the tooling?


Accessories for the supplier to make, this is not yet done. @Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to follow-up. Costing and sample is required from them.

Costing received, bit expensive. Waiting on the sample now.


@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) to get Secco to price table top with qty’s, and then review BOM again. Top sampled so now we should be able to obtain a more accurate cost - no feedback yet. Ongoing. Part is the 1 section to be negotiated on @Tony (Unlicensed) to help with Frank’s help.

Element Outdoor Range (Chair + Tables)


To do


To do

Models for armchair is done. Side chair to be done and all CADS. This is to include barstools.


Table range to have a presentation of the SKU types. To outline the costs and prototyping process.



Material selection, PC colour, timber, bioplastic. Coffey sending a set of anodised samples

@Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) has ordered Bioplastic samples, should receive them for the team to see.

Seating documentation to be done like the Tables. Prototyping to be done here & tooling from China. Process to be started this week.



Office Chair


To do


To do

Ideating + sketching done

Models to be done. Armchair & Side Chair version for review. CAD models to be done this week.


Prototyping to be done in TU. Steel frame welded here or laser cut components from local supplier.







Outdoor Lantern


To do


To do


New project for 2023. Design & concept stage. @Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) made a start on this already.









@Jordan Ruchalski (Unlicensed) working on new equipment and prototyping area ready by the end of the week.

@Tanya Rechberger & @zara fong


Curve & Sculptural Sofa


To do


To do

Back-up steel frame in case we can’t do the foam cutting. Looking into 3d cutting capabilities. Zara needs to have Thailand support & what machine is needed. Could we invest in machines now at TU. reach out to Jason on this.

DK reviewed the steel frame, made adjustments. Modification made to the constructions. CAD + render this week to DK’s direction. Curve frame is super strong. Split line to be entry line for brackets down the line.

working on V2 of the concept for “Curvy Jane”. Models done, design concept should be done this week for DK to review and approve. Aiming for Winter Sale 2023 not realistic to meet Post Winter Sale 2023.

Production process not as complicated as Zara. Winter campaign is better for the business. 3 seater fixed and sectional. Idea is to complete it this week.

@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to raise with Marketing the change in timeline.

Team concerned the amount of product being pushed into Post Winter, Spring campaign is too much. Might need to push to have this featured in an earlier campaign. @Tanya Rechberger aware bringing it forward puts pressure on having the NPI meet an earlier deadline. @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) @Tony (Unlicensed) to follow up with Marketing on this point.

Flexi arm for the backrest, once the frame is completed. Alan is helping with patterning this section. Aspiration to use Texaline - needing Allans support. Fabric under development with Sebastian that DK is happy with.

Ongoing, fabric resolved for internal. Flexi arm is not resolved because the frame will be changed.


Table to be CNC’d this week. Discuss with GL the marble pricing & cut-out function. @zara fong changed the form slightly. Waiting on @shiyang to share the catalogue - follow up on the meeting today.

Outdoor Curve Sofa


To do


To do


On hold till indoor curve sofa concept has been presented to DK, to guide direction for outdoor curve sofa


Quay Dining Chair


To do


To do

To be scanned tomorrow to guide CAD for foam molding and steel @zara fong to take a video for the team to see the process.

Scanning being done now. Looking good so far. Zara to keep monitoring their progress.




Kato sofa


To do


To do

@Tanya Rechberger to prototype firmer seat option.

Drawing done, Phil to get started, Allan to help with sewing.


Jasper 20th Anniversary


To do


To do

Phil manufactured 1st off premium firm foam

@Tanya Rechberger concept stage for smart pockets, now with China. New Thailand method.

Corner module dust cover being manufactured. To be upholstered if we have time

@Tanya Rechberger reiterating new component package ideas. Damo to do second round of price option, both options to be presented to DK for approval. Quadrant to be added per DK request.

Jasper sample to be ran through optimizer. iterating premium firm approved

@Tanya Rechberger to test first iteration. Prepare for FLOCK. Emily to be across this before her holiday.

@zara fong completing design for smart light and confirming details for mold tooling. some complications, re-doing and @zara fong to follow up with the modification of the tool, or re-tool at the cost of the supplier. Waiting for the new sample to come in.

Sample being airfreight with Luna Barstool.

Jasper light shelf, extrusion is coming. Standard shelf with Light only. Tanya is concerned with this, Jane GL is making a tool for the testing.

Corner module to be upholstered. Not a priority.

GL upholstered. @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to follow up with Kirsty to confirm what leather colour is ok for the shoot. Need to get this on a container. We need to know when the photoshoot will happen to know what container to add it too.

DK to review bolster flap

DK said no to progressing with this.

discussing with Damo 1/2/3 options with charging/light etc. This will be decided this week.

Decision made on light only, light + charge. Now just need product naming. Grant to do packaging. Testing is the priority.

DK wants light on the timber curve sectional. Do we release the curve light with the straight light. @Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to find out if the curve light will be released at the same time as the straight light? ETA for Anniversary is March 2023.DK wants it to happen and released. @Mina Bassilious (Unlicensed) can help Zara with the technical components on this.

Zara has done drawings for Jane for instructions/directions. Waiting on GL feedback on this and if they have started.


New Armchair


To do


To do

Dk likes the idea

@Tanya Rechberger to create PID


Quay Barstool Bar Height


To do


To do

@zara fong to complete PID. Barstool arrived today

@Tony (Unlicensed) to give next steps for testing.


GL manufacturing samples, to be sea freighted


@zara fong and @Tanya Rechberger to asses the testing that GL have completed. Standards to be shared.


Pillow (on hold)


To do


To do

@zara fong has created pattern

@zara fong to reiterate covers

@zara fong to make Cover

@zara fong To complete testing for the pillow


@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to find out the date of the Sleep Plus campaign.



Fleur Tub chair


To do


To do

@Ned Volk (Unlicensed) chased up Cylindo, waiting on ecomm IT team

@Michele DiBlasio (Unlicensed) to follow up if this has now been actioned.

Desk Accessory


To do


To do

GL making prototypes 2nd set. @Lauren Eskin (Unlicensed) to work with GL to iterate

Sample done, will arrive via AF from GL. Coming with the Luna Bar stool

@Lauren Eskin (Unlicensed) to complete TU Prototype


MANOLO BOSSI - Project List

Outdoor Sofa



To do




To do



Current status is determining material selection for the panels. Researching options & pricing. To discuss with DK if we should revert to the original idea.

Die cast part to be worked on, this will change the aesthetic. Start with prototype this week from TU and have Jason’s help from Thailand team. Jason said the tooling will require $$$ investment. @Tony (Unlicensed) to give critical feedback on whether this will impact the project proceeding?




Shiyang is sourcing the rope. John is sampling the back section to test at TU.


Outdoor Chair (Armchair + Side Chair)




To do




To do



Concept being rendered now, end of the week it will be ready for DK to review. Manolo to set-up a time with Ciara (EA).

Material TBC eg fabric or bent wood.

Move to prototype and have Thailand team involved and sample at TU. Jig to be prepared for an alu metal frame. Geometry given to Thailand to see if it is feasible.


Outdoor Table



To do




To do



Concept being rendered now, 3 shapes in mind with 2 sizes, eg soft edge square. Ceramic for outdoor and timber for indoor. Renders will be presented with the outdoor Chairs. Sebastian Nash to be consulted for fabric selection.

Table concept is not going ahead if we are not going ahead with the die cast.

Plywood seat to be made for a physical sample.



Occasional Chair



To do




To do



Next week the concept will be completed. Aim of this design is to pair with the table and chairs.

Build out the range to include Barstool, Occasional Tables.

Present new design to DK. He like the shape, point he raised was marking from feet/shoes, Manolo to consider this and possibly shape the seat cushion to prevent making.



Table Lamps



To do




To do




Prototype to be prepared first before DK will approve for this design to progress. Marble material cost is a concern.



Sun Shade



To do




To do



Materials to be tested to understand if the design works or not.

Would like to create a new idea with curtain mesh material

Manolo to understand the correct materials to be used first before we can get started on prototyping.



SEBASTIAN - Project List




To do




To do




Lounge Chair design direction is clear but the other SKU’s needs to be resolved due to the curves. Models to be done for review and sign-off first before it can be issued for prototyping in TU and Thailand. Sebastian will work on this over the next couple of weeks. Tanya, Tony, DK and the whole design team are behind supporting Sebastian in anyway possible during this process.




Sample quilted/colour fabric due to arrive next week.




Boucle fabric to be arranged with Sebastian in preparation for all 1977 SKU’s in development to be upholstered in the same fabric for the photoshoot.



ALAN’s Task List



To do


Priority Order

Start Date

End Date



To do


Priority Order

Start Date

End Date



Seat cushion to be done today







Textaline panel sample

this week





Tasman (aka Magnolia)

Finalise seat cover pattern & finishing






Lamp Shade

To be fabric wrapped

this week






Fabric ETA early Dec, prototype yet to be started so timing is approximate for Alan.

mid Dec





Adelaide Bedhead

Design should be ready next week for Alan to cover.






Jasper Corner

This is being done at GL


No action





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