Ponti 21/07/22 Meeting Minutes

Ponti 21/07/22 Meeting Minutes


21st of July 2022


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) @Ned Volk (Unlicensed)


2.    Project Updates:



To Do


To Do

Presented wood options to marketing, they loved it

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to continue chasing up Shiyang for mechanisms

  • Shiyang chasing up supplier for samples and product brochure

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to finished CAD steel frame

John’s to fabricate by next meeting

@Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed) has completed CAD for 3 leg options (Diamond, kite and faceted leg)

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to Present options to DK

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) created assembly and render

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to review finishes for timber And previous work already done

All materials for prototype has been sourced

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to CNC ply wood

@Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed) to design manufacturable leg cover





Aiming to have Prototype completed on 28/7 (unfinished)




Tasman Chair



To Do


To Do

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) Hand sketched concepts


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to give @Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed) to CAD concepts


@Dylan Dasey (Unlicensed) to CAD steel frame and timber legs

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to get steel and foam fabricated, and upholstered

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to ask secco about Australian timbers

@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to order more oak for legs


@Ned Volk (Unlicensed) to organize leather


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to follow up secco on Australian timber





First Prototype to be completed for the 28/7




To Do


To Do


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to approve design


Change height to use same bolt size as Apero


Product will come in 2 leg colours & 4 tabletop colours


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to email Jane to follow up on leg manufacture










To Do


To Do


@Ned Volk (Unlicensed) to create timeline


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to update CAD model and send to Secco and parawood for sample of chair


@Tony (Unlicensed) finding Thai timber table supplier


@Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to CAD magnolia with new construction method, need Secco(?) to sample

marketing will need sample in February for photoshoot 



To Do


To Do


With GL R&D team, @Pearson Bulmer (Unlicensed) to continue to follow up







To Do


To Do


  • Team to go through risk mitigation for key risks highlighted


  • @Lauren Eskin (Unlicensed) is on Holidays


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