Dispatch > Dispatch

Dispatch > Dispatch

Link: Dispatch

The features included in the Dispatch page of the portal are

  • Delivery creation and

  • Delivery Search

Creating the Delivery:

The steps to create the new delivery run are

  • Choose one of the lists from the week dropdown.

  • Select the option from the Country dropdown list

  • Select the option from the State dropdown list

  • Click the Start button

Then it will create the deliveries for the selected options and shows the list on the new page.


If the delivery run already exists, the error message will be shown as. “Delievery already exists“ (Note: spelling is incorrect here.)

The newly created delivery page looks like in the figure below:

Searching the Delivery:

 The steps to search the Delivery from dispatch page are

  • Select the option from the State dropdown list

  • Click the Search button.

Then it will list all the existing delivery for the chosen state.

The clear button clears the selected option and lists the deliveries for all the states.

Deleting the Delivery:

The close button deletes the selected delivery run.

For example, In the figure below, the delivery run for week 35 will be deleted.

Questions that need to be answered on this page are:

  1. How the state list is generated? Is it hard-coded or grabbed from SAP/Portal Database?

  2. What week ranges are considered here? Are they hard-coded or grabbed from SAP/Portal Database?

  3. The country dropdown contains all our branches. Is it hard-coded or grabbed from SAP/Portal Database?

  4. The state contains all the states for our branches. Is it hard-coded or grabbed from SAP/Portal Database?

@lyndell.hartley How can we get these answers?

Areas of Improvement:

Current Issues:

  1. Create Delivery section on the right is consuming the bulk of space on the right. The main purpose of the section is to create the delivery and is linked to the Deliveries section in the top left corner. Since UI is not organized, there are chances that users can fill up all the options and click the search tab, which is separate from Create Delivery section.

2. When we have a long list of Existing Deliveries, it consumes lots of space in the portal and the user has to scroll down the list.

3. Asc/ Desc feature on the Days column is showing up as a weird result. Further, we don’t need this feature to be shown for the Country and Delete column.


  1. To remove the confusion and free up space, the whole Create Delivery section can be moved to the left side as a separate panel and put the Start button at the bottom of it.

The search panel then can be moved down below.

2. We need pagination for the Existing Deliveries table so that only the next 3-4 months of deliveries list shows up on the first page and the remaining can be pushed through the next page and so on.

3. Remove Asc/Desc feature on the Days, Country, and Delete column.

@lyndell.hartley How can we act on these areas of improvement?


When you click the days link to the Existing Delivery list, it shows the delivery list for the selected day on a separate Deliveries page.

Please see the details about this page on the Deliveries page.


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