Currently we are not to market or sell REO II with a battery pack.
However, we are aware of the showroom request for the REO II to have battery compatibility. We are working on a solution to allow REO II to be battery compatible.
I've double confirmed with Tony all the information and the latest updates regarding the REO II battery pack update.
This update is close to finishing, once it is we can share this info on retail hub, there is no exact completion date at the moment. On completion, a production period will be provided so you can determine if the sofa has the change or not.
Customer who've purchased REO and wish to upgrade to be battery compatible, they may purchase the update kit (see below). This will require technician installation. ECN-20210624C Reo & Reogrand battery option (1) (3).pdf
For Reo II pre-ECN change, we are looking at creating an upgrade kit for it, but it is not confirmed.
Hope this clarifies the situation, if there are any further questions, feel free to let me know.
Q- Can we provide a customer with a three and a half or four-seater Reo Recliner?
A- No, the Reo Recliner is not a modular sofa, If we were to add in this additional 720 seat the Reo will reach over the maximum recommended length and become unstable and may warp when using the recliner mechanisms.
Q- Can we convert a two seater Reo Recliner to a three seater?
A- Yes, however please order from the same range, i.e. do not order Reo Recliner II for Reo Recliner I
Q- What is the part number central support leg that sits in the middle of a Reo Recliner 2.5 Seater?
A- PN12134142
Q- Does the Reo Recliner V4 have motion head rests?
A- No, the Reo Recliner V4 does not have motion headrests.
Q- What is the difference between the Reo Recliner Vi, V2, V3 and V4?
Original design – seat comprised of three pieces (seat body, seat top, seat front) (all seats changed)
Seat changes to two-piece foam insert to improve overall finish and shape (seat body, seat front) (all seats changed)
Seat composition modified to improve comfort and Doming (spare part only) (all seats changed)
V4 (current)
Mechanism update to new supplier, this required framework to be modified to accommodate. Recliner pieces only changed.
Q- Does the Reo sofa have safety sensors like the King Cloud?
A- No, there are no sensors on the Reo, King Cloud has them because it has functionality that allows it to close by itself. The Reo will only operate when a user is touching a button.
Q- What Reo Recliner wires should I order?
A- New customer orders will need the newer seat wire from PW2128. Older seat wires for customer orders were produced before PW2128.
Q- What is the width of the Reo Recliners arm?
A- The Reo armchair arm is 200mm and the sofa arms are 270mm wide.
Q- How long are the leads in the transformer pack?
A- Please refer to below.
Q- Can a customer who has purchased a Reo Recliner RFR remove the center module to create a 2 seater RR?
A- Yes,
Q- Can you use the battery pack just for the smart accessories?
A- No, the battery pack is not designed for use with smart accessories due to the slow draining of power.
Q- How many battery packs are required for a Reo Recliner 2-seater?
A- 2 batteries one per module, each battery has its own power cord.
Q- Can the universal legs be used on Reo?
A- No, the Reo is not compatible with the adjustable legs.
Q- Why doesn’t the Reo II recliner come with the swipe function like the King Cloud/Nimbus?
A- The Reo II was not designed with the Touch Glide function. We do design the buttons to look the same throughout our range to keep to the same King design aesthetic. For now, we are still wanting to keep this premium feature exclusive to King Cloud / Nimbus.
Q- Do we use the same mechanisms for Reo and the Reo Grand?
A- No, the Reo and Reo Grand design are different, they do not use the same mechanism.
Q- What is the weight capacity of the Reo Recliner II?
A- 130KG
Q- Are the Reo Recliner footrest timber frame and white frame V2, and V4 the same?
A- Yes, the Reo Recliner footrest timber frame and white frame V2, and V4 are the same
Q- Are the domes for the Reo and Reo Recliners the same?
A- Yes, the domes for the Reo and Reo Recliners are the same
Q- Can we move the reclining buttons on the Reo Recliner II from the right-hand side to left hand side of the seat module?
A- Yes, to order type "RD special" in making instructions and a include a note “reclining buttons to be placed on left hand side”. Once you have an order number please email