Complete assembly of prototype with veneered legs and capacitive touch buttons - done by
Gather all feedback from design team including Manolo input - done by
Build CAD models that implement Manolo and design team feedback - done by
Review CAD models with Manolo - done by
Generate production level CAD model. Use ETO as reference. Can be multibody part or an assembly. Includes all the hardware selections. Implements all the relevant feedback .- done by
Production drawing pack – use ETO Desk drawings as reference. Share with Shiyang to inform the production of a GL sample .- done by
Core out extrusion profile to save material and weight - refer to sketches. 1mm wall thickness - done by
Production drawings of the Aluminium extrusion – maybe ask for Dylan’s help. Review geometry with Manolo - done by
Assembly drawings of the LED strip, screws diffuser and end cap. For all three sizes .- done by
Implement Manolo feedback – diffuser could sit on an angle allowing the timber finish to be visible – refer to sketch .- done by
Drawings that communicate multiple different manufacturing methods to make the timer ring. Bent lamination, machined laminated block, etc. - done by
Assembly drawings of the LED strip, screws and diffuser. For all three sizes - done by
Prototype designs to determine scale, proportion etc. - feedback from design team.
Production CAD model based on team feedback with all details dimensioned for supplier
Production documentation ready to share with INFINITELUX