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Link: Automation


Please provide detailed user guides/ documentation for the page. Please include all the use case scenarios, features, and functionalities involved with as much detail as possible.



The dispatch features included on this page are:

  • Truck allocation

  • Search

  • Clone

  • Report

Truck allocation


On clicking the Truck Allocation Link, the new Truck allocation page opens up where we can allocate truck/s for the dispatch week.


  • Select the dropdown from the dispatch week

  • Select the dropdown from the Zone

  • Add trucks to the Truck section

  • Check/Uncheck the Available Days

  • Click on Add


Dispatch week:


The dropdown lets you choose one option starting from the current week to the week till the end of the year.




  1. The available options on the zone field are

NSW5 -?

QLD1 -?

ADL - Adelaide

BNE -?

CBR -?

GOLD - Gold Coast

MEL - Melbourne

NSW1 -?

NSW2 -?

NSW6 -?

NSW7 -?

NSW8 -?

NTL -?

PER - Perth

QLD2 -?

SA1 -?

SYD - Sydney

VIC1 -?

VIC2 -?

WA1 -?

WA2 -?

WA4 -?

WOL -?

None - select empty for no zone

2. Where does the list come from? (SAP/DB - table name) ?


This shows the list of available trucks with capacity.


  1. Where does the list come from? (SAP/DB - table name) ?

  2. How do we choose suitable options?

Once the truck/s is allocated for the selected days, it displays the allocation list as shown in the figure.


If the selected truck/s has already been allocated, it shows an alert.


Once you have added the list, you click on Allocate button. It shows the message


Click OK and it will submit the data.

Check the entries:

To check if you have made the correct entry.

Select your weeks from the Existing Weeks and click Search.


Edit/Delete the entries

To edit/delete the individual entry, click the edit link and edit




Not sure of the purpose of the clone feature and its functionalities. ( To be discussed)


The Report button opens the new Dispatch Report page. The report summarizes all the dispatch activities for the current year. We can also filter the information by State.



  • What is the Percentage column? Can we round up to 2 decimal points for the percentage value?

  • How helpful is this report? How can we make it more informative?

  • Do we need a year filter for this report?