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Link: Report

Reports with filter


  • Select the Order Type

  • Select the Min Ship Date

  • Select the Max Ship Date

  • Select the State

  • Choose the Delivery Type

  • Click Search

The clear button clears all the filters.


Reports with Order Number:


  • Fill in the Order number

  • Click Search



Order Type has 2 options Orders and Flocks.

What are Orders and Flocks?

  • The state option lists all the states of our branches. Is it hard-coded or grabbed from SAP/DB Table? If yes, what is the table name?

Delivery Types:

The listed options are

Warehouse Pickup value = WHS PICKUP

Delivery Contracts value = DEL-CTR

Special Delivery Clearance Stock value = DEL CLEAR

Delivery CS Pickup value = DEL-CS PICKUP

Collection for KC/CS value = DEL-COL

Delivery Dropship - Direct from Supplier value = DEL-DPS

Online Postage DEL-ONLPOSTAGE value = DEL-MET-4ML

Delivery Regional - 4 man lift required value = DEL-REG-4ML

Delivery Metro - 4 man lift required value = DEL-MET-4ML

Inward Freight Freight

Inbound Freight from Suppliers value = Delivery Fee

Delivery Return value = DEL-RTN

Delivery Warehouse Pickup value = DEL-WHS

In-Store Pickup value = DEL-INSTORE

Delivery Delux value = DEL-DLX

Delivery Express value = DEL-EXP

Special Delivery value = DEL SPEC

Delivery Truck Rate value = DEL TRUCK

Delivery Postage value = DEL-POSTAGE

Delivery Internal Transfer Freight value = DEL-TRFR

  • Are all the king delivery types listed here?

  • How are the value and lists being populated (SAP/DB - table name )?

Current Issues:

  1. When we search the report without any filters, the page cannot handle the request.

  2. The Report shows the long list of some applied filters.

  3. The Report displays Orders 997 as the title for the report.

  4. The Report cannot be downloaded.


  1. can we make Min Ship Date and Max Ship Date required?

  2. Can we add pagination and sorting features to the table?

  3. Can we make the Title more readable like Delivery Report for Orders from 2022-08-29 to 2022-08-30 for NSW?

  4. Can we add an Export button on the Top Right Corner to download the generated Report in CSV format?